Vkansee Demonstrates Fake Fingerprint Hack on Leading Mobile Devices

July 15, 2015 | Mike Dautner


Vkansee has made it abundantly clear that current fingeprint biometric technology for our devices isn’t yet up to snuff.

It has been recorded in the Bank of America Consumer Mobility Report that nearly 51 percent of Americans said that mobile or online banking is their preferred method of daily banking. With this in mind, what strides are being made in biometric technology to optimize security for our devices?

Vkansee has developed a unique sensor that boasts a 300% efficiency rate over the current iOS and Samsung fingerprint sensors. In order to demonstrate the inefficiency of the current solutions, Vkansee effortlessly hacked into a Samsung S6 and an Apple iPad and iPhone 6 in a video.

Using a rubberized conductive fingerprint made from a common mold, a hacker is easily able to bypass the security setting on each device seamlessly. This reveals the overwhelming vulnerability of today’s current sensory technology in top brand devices.

Vkansee’s sensor scans at 2000dpi, making its resolution 4X greater than that of current Samsung and Apple devices.

Greater resolution equals greater resistance to fake fingerpirnt hacking, according to Vkansee, making its new technology a huge leap forward in today’s market. The concerns brought about by Vkansee’s video demonstration change one’s perspective on just how safe their mobile/online banking platforms can be with the present biometric authentication solutions available.

Source: http://paymentweek.com/2015-7-15-vkansee-demonstrates-fake-fingerprint-hack-on-leading-smartphones-7691/